Order Of Service
Sunday 15 September 2024
Rev. Paul Lutton
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Introit Clap your hands
Prayers of Adoration and Confession
Song: Praise Group, SfW 78 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Thanksgiving for Navi Kadalayil
Song: Our God is a great big God
Children leave for Sunday School and Sunday Club
Interview slot Corinna Herron
Song: IPH 488 (Offering Song) As the deer pants for the water
Dedication of Offering
Reading: Luke 5: 27-39 Jennifer Cairnduff
Sermon: The calling of Levi
Anthem God of grace
Prayers of Intercession
Song: IPH 572 The journey of life may be easy, may be hard
Join us for tea and coffee in the church hall after the service.
Bible Reading: Luke 5: 27-39
27 這事以後,耶穌出去,看見一個稅吏,名叫利未,坐在稅關上,就對他說:「你跟從我來!」 28 他就撇下所有的,起來跟從了耶穌。 29 利未在自己家裡為耶穌大擺筵席,有許多稅吏和別人與他們一同坐席。 30 法利賽人和文士就向耶穌的門徒發怨言說:「你們為什麼和稅吏並罪人一同吃喝呢?」 31 耶穌對他們說:「無病的人用不著醫生,有病的人才用得著。 32 我來本不是召義人悔改,乃是召罪人悔改。」
33 他們說:「約翰的門徒屢次禁食、祈禱,法利賽人的門徒也是這樣,唯獨你的門徒又吃又喝。」 34 耶穌對他們說:「新郎和陪伴之人同在的時候,豈能叫陪伴之人禁食呢? 35 但日子將到,新郎要離開他們,那日他們就要禁食了。」
36 耶穌又設一個比喻,對他們說:「沒有人把新衣服撕下一塊來補在舊衣服上,若是這樣,就把新的撕破了,並且所撕下來的那塊新的和舊的也不相稱。 37 也沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裡,若是這樣,新酒必將皮袋裂開,酒便漏出來,皮袋也就壞了。 38 但新酒必須裝在新皮袋裡。 39 沒有人喝了陳酒又想喝新的,他總說陳的好。」
JUNIOR BADMINTON 🏸 will recommence on Tuesday 17 September at 6.15pm in St John’s Hall. Play finishes at 7.45pm. Players should be between 10 and 16.
SENIOR BADMINTON 🏸 ( 16+ ) will restart this Tuesday 17 September at 8.00pm. Please come and enjoy some exercise and fun. Any further information, please ring Raymond on 07742 470289.
CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Will meet at 7.45 pm 0n Tuesday 17 September in the Megaw Room.
MESSY CHURCH / MESSY PRAYER Messy Church will be on next week, 22 September from 3.00-4.00pm. Sometimes prayer can be messy too. Come along and explore different ways that we can be with God and with each other through prayer. We’d love for you to join us, everyone is welcome!
COFFEE & CHAT The annual MacMillan Coffee Morning fund raiser will take place at Coffee & Chat on Friday 27 September between 10.30am & 12.00 noon in the foyer. If you can help in anyway, please contact Barbara McNeill.
CHURCH FÊTE Saturday 28 September 2024
The summer is almost over, and we are approaching time for our annual Fête. Please can you all consider some donations for our usual stalls:
· Cakes, loaves and traybakes for the ‘Home Fayre’ stall | · Christmas themed goods |
· Bric-a-brac | · Jewellery |
· Toys | · Cosmetic sets |
· Books | · Small items of furniture |
We can’t accept electrical goods, DVDs, CDs or videos. We would also ask for clean and label removed glass jars with lids for jam making (please pass these to Marj or Heather at the beginning of September.) Please leave your donations on the stage (with the exception of perishables which should be brought on the evening before or morning of the fête).
If you can help in any other way or need help with delivering donations please speak to Heather or Austin. Thank you.
AUTUMN FÊTE TEAS As these are always very popular, we would appreciate your help by providing traybakes. Sign up on sheet in Foyer or contact Janet during Church coffee or contact on 07736 523372.
VOLUNTEERS are required to serve tea /coffee after church. If you can help end September /October, please sign rota in foyer or speak to Margaret Robinson. New volunteers welcome!
AIR AMBULANC NI Gwyneth and Hannah ran a 5km race on the George Best City Airport runway last week, fundraising for the Air Ambulance NI, and recording an impressive time of 28 minutes! They are very grateful for all donations received and are pleased to report that a total of £800 was raised. Many thanks to all who contributed.
If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email NewtownbredaAnnouncements@outlook.com
Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.
NI Charity NIC 104325 www.newtownbreda.org